
Day One

I suppose last night was more "this morning" than "last night".

It was too late for a facial. I'm kidding, do you really think I need facials? :D

Jen was at Mel's 21st last night so I called Bao, who was at Marty's with Steven Do and Willsy leeching movies from each other's hard drives.

Bao came over to pick me up and we went to Maccas before going back to watch half of Rush Hour 3 and the other one starring Matthew Fox. I wouldn't know because Marty's bed was too comfortable not to fall asleep in. We left at around 3 am. It was soooooo cold.

I know it can't be expected of me to break some habits only hours later, but despite knowing I'm better off not doing it I called Jez before I slept. I don't know what I said. Something about helping each other move on. Jez responded with a lot of non-committing grunts and we hung up a few minutes later.

I guess it's best to stay completely away from each other until feelings dissipate. Then if we were to talk again it won't do any harm. But you know, again, once you're used to something, or someone, having them suddenly disappear feels like losing a limb. Or in Jez's case, two.

This morning I tried to put off waking up as long as possible. Mike asked me yesterday to hang out with him after work but since I was too busy breaking up I didn't get back to him. So I called and we decided to go to Bondi.

Don't underestimate the power of Facebook. I changed my status only several hours ago and Mylinh called (pretty much immediately), Abhi called, and Mike mentioned it.

I'm still missing everything. I try not to pause to think about it but when I do, I feel miserable. We struggled to work things out for so long, and we told each other everything will be okay because we had something good, something special. Despite that, we didn't make it through after all.

I know this is going to take a long time. I don't know how many days, but today is Day One.

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