

I went for a jog this morning. Ten minutes after I started, a fog settled in and became so strong that it was difficult to see the end of the street. Everything was blurry and white. Or grey. Or both. On top of that there wasn't a single soul - walking, driving, bicycling - in sight, and black crows screeched from the sky. At least I think they were crows. I couldn't see.

But anyway, I was a little creeped by how everything seemed so ... dead.

And then there was me. Huffing and puffing six times around the block.

When Jez comes back tonight he's going to get it. "It" being nothing good. Before leaving for camp the boy promised that he'd call every night, and that he'll let me know as soon as he finds out what time he'll be back on Sunday.

First night I call him. He conveniently forgets to tell me that he'll be spending Thursday night at Ken's and was in fact still in Sydney. Says he'll call me as soon as they arrive so I needn't worry.

They left Sydney on Friday morning. He calls me on Friday night and says he's been crazy busy. I understand. He tells me he'll call later. In the middle of the night he does, but before my phone rang for more than a couple of seconds, his switches off. And remains off until who-knows-when, but when I called on Saturday afternoon it was ringing again. He doesn't pick up. I get bored at the library and call a number of times. He doesn't pick up. At night he sends me a rushed SMS. I message back and tell him to call me later if he has time. I guess he didn't. At 5 am I'm disoriented from a dream and dial his number somehow forgetting he was at camp. He doesn't pick up. Must be asleep, I thought. I call again. He picks up and there's no sound. Hangs up after two seconds. I call again and it keeps ringing. I wonder what they're so busy with at 5 in the morning.

Call me spoilt because I know it has been only three days and it isn't as if I hadn't heard from him at all. But I'm so very sick of waiting in vain for him to do things he promised he would do.

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