
Day Sixtyseven

I'm sick. It could be worse. Nothing really annoying like painfully sore throats or coughing or fever, but I feel like there isn't a single joule of energy left in me. Like seriously. Jelly. Spaghetti. If only I was that thin.

I do have this batshit crazy mix of hayfever and headache. My eyes have stopped watering now but the nose is going nuts secreting stuff and I feel like my neurons have turned into little firecrackers.

It's the damn air-con at work, set to bloody 16 degrees or at least that was what it felt like. It was twice as hot outside yesterday. I already felt hayfeverish in the morning and by the tenth hot-cold transition from walking back into the shop after being out running an errand I wanted to crumple up and eat my head.

Glenda messages me. She took my Kirribilli shift today because of my unfulfilled Canberra plans.
"You didn't tell me that all loops live in Kirribilli. Or was there a convention there?"

I tell her they're probably all from Greenway. Government housing. I ask her what happened.

"Nothing happened as such. I was just not expecting quite so many nutters, even from Greenway!"

I wonder who she encountered, the transvestite or the addict or the thief or the dealer or the man who comes in every hour to tell us the specials at Aldi.

Speaking of work, Sameer mentioned at Copa that he worked with a pharmacist named Sally, who happened to have been blonde, and a babe. He said she was Norwegian but I had never asked Sally where she was from so I didn't know. Other than "blonde and hot" and "a nice ass", he couldn't tell me much else.

I asked Sally yesterday whether she had worked with someone called Sameer at Rozelle. She said yes, and that he was a nice kid who always got told off. I opened my mouth to say "he thinks you're a babe" but instead said "he thinks you're really nice". Sameer later accused me of making him sound like a tool.

I wonder if Sally knows she's attractive. If she owns a mirror, she has to know. She has two 21-year-olds swooning over her. One of which might I add is dating another extremely hot 21-year-old. I suppose it's hard not to crush on her. She hides a cockroach under paper before stepping on it. When a customer commented that she looked tired she spent the next half hour behind the dispensary putting on make-up. She talks to herself when she does scripts. It's quite cute.

Jez came over this afternoon. I thought we'd study together but I felt too sick and wanted to take a nap instead. So he perched his laptop on my parents' bed and typed notes while I slept. I was tired but not sleepy so I feigned sleep and peeked at him from behind the pillow. He was copying his lecture notes straight from the slides, and stopped typing every now and then to stare at my breasts. I wanted to giggle but didn't. It wasn't until he shut off his laptop and joined me that I fell asleep and was then promptly woken by my mum's phone call.

I wish Jez hadn't taken away the two cans of soup he brought over. I'm deathly hungry and there's nothing to eat in the house and my parents won't be back for another 1.5 hours.

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