I'm idealistic - having spent too much time watching fairytales when I was a little kid (trying to learn English from them) I often confused real life with them. Anyway, thankfully this has subsided somewhat after I learnt from cringingly awful first-time sex that reality is indeed far from orgasmic.
I like to have a rock - which isn't necessarily a bad thing ... but I like to keep my rocks close to heart ... which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but I tend to either fall for them or manipulate them. To Jez's relief (I presume) I haven't any rocks at the moment. If you were wondering exactly what a rock is it's someone you turn to during difficult times. For me it's a guy I bitch about my boyfriend to when we have fights.
I throw tantrums - I manage to refrain from them now but they often manifest in random bouts of crying. It's bad, but compared to the time back in God-knows-when when I threw my new silver bracelet and the boyfriend's phone down a drain (the poor guy spent about 40 minutes retrieving the bracelet but the phone was nowhere to be found) it's positively ... positive.
I'm clingy - I'm sure whatever's responsible for this is also responsible for my habit of wearing an item of clothing immediately after purchase and barely taking it off for weeks. When I'm in love with someone every nanosecond spent more than five inches away from them is a nanosecond wasted. When I want to see them it's immediately if not sooner. I also tend to physically cling. This can sometimes be annoying.
I'm easily jealous and am a hypocrite - if I hear a girl on the other other side of the phone, I'll be sure to cross my arms and put on my grumpy face. If you do the same to me I'll wonder why you're such a psycho. I grasp onto my boyfriends harder when I notice another girl giving him the eye, but if I don't mind guys ogling me as I walk down the street neither should you. If I hear about you hanging out with female friends I'll Facebook every single one of them to check whether they're more attractive than I am, but it's perfectly normal for me to do the same because well, you know, most of my friends are guys.
I have unrealistic expectations - mainly when I put a ton of effort into something and you don't. I could secretly plan something huge for something I pretend I don't care about, and if you are incredulous that I'd go to such lengths after telling you that I really don't give a toss what we do for the anniversary/birthday/other random occasions I'd be outraged that you didn't manage to read my mind.
I'm snobby - back when the boyfriend's friends were high-school dropouts with the sole ambition of winning a popping contest I refused to associate with any of them. If I happened to have been dragged to an event and find myself in their presence I actually refused to interact with them at all. Oh and they usually misspelt pretty much everything they typed. But then again so does Mike.
Sometimes I do wonder why I post these things. I'll make sure my next post will be a list of reasons why you shouldn't listen to my self-directed criticisms and continue to love me and buy me stuff unconditionally.
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