
Adam and Ryan

Previously known to us as "whiny" or "the guy in the vest", we found out only this morning that the lead singer and pianist of One Republic is called Ryan Tedder.

We arrived at Acer Arena shortly after One Republic started playing. Because I booked the tickets quite late we were seated high above the stage, where it was impossible to distinguish the performers by face. On the feebly bright side, at least we could see them.

When Jez has uploaded photos and videos I'll probably add them to this post but rest assured that from our view, they're not even youtube-worthy.

During One Republic I wished we could have sat with my friends so that Alan and I could do the zomg-it's-that-song face that Jez and I made during Maroon 5 whenever a new song started. Ryan sounded pretty much exactly the same live and on record, and on multiple occasions threw his piano stool violently when he became too passionate mid-song. Overall they were awesome.

Adam Levine was tall and lanky. I had my little fan-girl excitement-panic when they walked onto stage. He, too, sounded exactly like he does on record. They went through some old songs and some new, and Jez and I were disappointed that Kiwi was left out, 'cause we planned to call Yoza during it.

We figured by the end of it that Adam was a bit gay and very sexual. He always carried his guitar in a way that when he strummed the strings his hand would fall onto his crotch had there been no instrument between them. He also skipped occasionally. And thrusted. I didn't mind seeing as it was him, but I was forced to admit that the level of homosexuality present in that man was a tad higher than your average bloke.

All in all, it was well worth the $200.

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