I'm deleting emails from my hotmail inbox. I must have felt that 5 GB was synonymous with infinity, because despite the fact that about 2 out of 3000 emails were important enough to keep, I left the other 2998 lying idly around. Granted, 3000 took up only 5% total space, and took 2.5 years to accumulate. Nevertheless, at this rate by the time I'm 71 I would've run out of space.
A vast majority of them was due to group reply-alls, most of them consisting of an extra 2-3 words in addition to the original email.
The emails dated back to February '06. It was around the time my ex and I broke up, and the inbox retained what I think might be the very last email I received from him (I only think because there was no way I could go through the other hundred pages to make sure). He asked me to help him with a report for uni and I remember yelling at him later about always having to write reports and essays for him and why can't he spell satisfactorily enough to produce his own piece of work.
I also came across an email from Jez in April '07 with a song attached. I'm quite sure it's his guitarless version of Slide but couldn't verify because of dumb library computers. I saved it. There was another one that went something like "I'm going out now, but I cleaned my room and I attached the photo so you can see it". I deleted that one without thinking, then regretted not keeping it, then thought it was probably unlikely anyway that I'd go back and read it any time soon.
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