
Day Thirtysix

We're waiting for the train at Central and Jez asks me whether CH-OH-OH-OH actually exists. He pronounces it as it is - "ch-oh-oh-oh". I tell him that oxygen can't form enough bonds to make such a compound.

"What about 'ch-oh'?"

"That would be methanol." I say. Wait, no it's not. "Actually methanol has two more hydrogens on the carbon, which would make it 'chhh-oh'." I emphasise the H's with sort of a hacking sound.

"Chhh-oh." Jez imitates, and in the process spit all over my face.

The train comes and we sit upstairs. We race each other on rainbow road. Jez uses Bowser and bumps me into abyss. He laughs too loud and everyone stares.

We go home and curl up on his new sheets, which came in a pack that we wrongly assumed to contain a blanket-cover. As a result his highly homosexual rose-patterned blanket lies on top of an otherwise pleasantly chocolate mattress. We lie in bed for hours. Jez sleeps and I don't because I'm worried about life and his snoring is hilariously loud. It's snoring, snorting and grunting all in one. Eventually I coax him awake and tell him stories about Herbal Essences' cum-shot on my nose. I curl up with my head on his shoulder the way he likes, and it's extremely comfortable.

I'm staying up to make a decent start on my forensics report, which I'm fairly sure Andrew has not yet considered. Looks like I'll be playing brains in this collaboration.

It's been months and months, but Eddie was online tonight. We talk for a little while and realise exactly how long it has been when he assumes that I'm still working in Auburn. We ask each other about uni. He asks whether I'm still dating Jez. I skip the Epic Tale of Jeremy & Annie and say "yes". We talk about work. We laugh about IKEA customer service. It isn't awkward, but it's very strange. For years you think you know someone better than anybody else, and then BAM you're strangers. And then you try to talk to each other, pretending that you don't know where they hide their dirty magazines or the shape of the scar on their arse.

I hope I don't break up with Jez. That boy knows awful awful things about me.

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