
Day Sixty

I'm tired and I have blisters, but it was very worth it because the COMSOC ball was awesome. I've made the happy discovery that I like champagne. More importantly I can reap its central depressant benefits.

Pre-ball wasn't so awesome. I made an appointment at Planet to have my hair styled. I was sure of what I wanted down to the very last strand, and it was something like this. It turned out like this. Like a black poodle perched itself on my head. The hairdressers were very firm on what they believed looked best, and very determined to ignore my increasingly persistent protests. I ran to the nearest bathroom as soon as I was out of the salon and took out all 20 bobby pins securing poodle in place. In some sort of rage and mental debate over whether I had sufficient time and funds for Pierre Haddad I pulled the fringe loosely back and stabbed bobby pins in random places to hold my hair up. The result was surprisingly good, as it usually is when I don't know what I'm doing.

We arrived hours early and Jez was busy bustling around poking candles into candelabra and sprinkling rose petals over tables. I tried making myself helpful but it turned out I wasn't really of much use. So I followed Jez around and felt stupid for my lack of purpose. I decided to stroll around the harbour to kill time when I ran into Ken and jumped at the chance of fetching him the hair product Jez brought for him. I helped an elderly Chinese couple withdraw $800 from an ATM, and was a bit too happy to help when Jacinta needed make-up but didn't have any. A manicure and green tea frappucino later Jez noticed my pointed absence and sat with me at the table holding my hand comfortingly like I was a little kid and I felt even more stupid.

It was probably the champagne, but people were amazingly easy to talk to. Which was great, because my previous social pinnacle involving the boyfriend's friends was standing very still and politely smiling. Last night made a new record. I smacked Clement in the face (scriptedly). Except I slapped too hard and was quite intensely worried for awhile that he didn't like me anymore and I feel really childish for putting it this way but I don't see how else I could have put it and at my drunkest I insisted that I find him and apologise and I did and he said it was okay.

In fact Jez and I did a lot of things at our drunkest. Like dance, of which neither of us is really capable. Like Jez serenading me in front of everybody with Katrina except replacing "Katrina" with my name. Like having sex in the disabled toilet, after which I leaned against the door with my dress at my waist trying to put my underwear back on only to fall through it into the hallway because it wasn't locked. Jez didn't get enough and tried to dry-hump Clement five minutes later.

At the end of the night we just about died. So we went home instead of the afters. I left Jez's in the morning and we met up again in the afternoon to go to the gym. I thought we had postponed it about enough. I wanted to spend half an hour running, but as soon as I started to jog I was pwned hard by a stitch.

We had the rest of the evening to ourselves, and Jez had this absolutely brilliant plan of buying me Warhammer and going to a PC room. We made new characters, both dark witch elves, called Yoshi and Bowser. They were both pretty much naked and I felt a little bit lesbian. It was unbelievably fun, except in RvR (which Jez tells me is the same as PvP but what the fuck does "R" stand for) I became increasingly tired of respawning. Jez kept telling me I have to move around while fighting, but I. Just. Can't. Do. It.

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