
Day Fortyone

Today was so unremarkable that instead of blogging about it I'm going to make plans for tomorrow.

Might be fun to see if it turns out completely different. Maybe not. Whatever.

6:00 am: Wake up, turn off alarm, go back to sleep
6:30 am: Wake up, turn off alarm, go back to sleep
7:00 am: Wake up, turn off alarm, go back to sleep
7:30 am: Wake up, turn off alarm, go back to sleep
8:00 am: Wake up, turn off alarm, wake Jez
9:10 am: Catch train
10:00 am: Start work
2:00 pm: Finish work, buy strawberries
2:30 pm: Sit on bus, eat strawberries
3:00 pm: Sit in library, read book
3:30 pm: Start studying
6:00 pm: Leave library

I've just realised how meaningless my life truly is.

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