
Day Fiftyone

I wonder what the public reaction was when the inventor of suppositories introduced this new dosage form.

So I looked it up, and it turns out that suppositories have been prescribed since over 2000 years ago. However, medicinal use of suppositories gained popularity later in 1840. So what were they used for before 1840?!

I also found this lovely photo of a suppository mould. It's almost identical to the one we used yesterday, only the mould shape is slightly different.

I was watching the new Harold & Kumar movie and chatting to a friend. She sounded extremely sexually frustrated. I told her she needs to find a man. She said she has many of them hovering around, but none of them are likeable.

I've always been a bit puzzled by her all-men-are-shit perspective. Is she insane or are my standards frighteningly low? Or maybe it's just a matter of never finding an apple if you keep looking for them in a crate of oranges.

She said boys are sooks, because when she refused to see them regularly they'd say annoying things like "you never have time for me anymore" and "why are you being such a snob". And hanging up on her.

That's my pet peeve. Boys should leave the hanging up to tantrum-throwing girls. My ex used to hang up on me when we fought. It was the most irritating thing in the world, especially when he'd cry before slamming the phone. Then I'd have to call him back. If I didn't, I'd never hear the end of "this is what I mean when I say you don't love me". And the whole "you don't care" thing. God, that gets old.

So despite the fact that Jez has blown up my heart, ground it in a mortar with a metal spiked pestle, juiced it in a blender and then fed whatever was left to his neighbour's cat - at least he doesn't hang up on me. It's kind of cute. He seems to be physically incapable of hanging up without first announcing "I'm gonna go".

Although speaking of "you don't care", I'm reminded of a recent study session at Jez's house where for some reason I can't recall we were both silent and seething. I chucked all of my fireballing energy into my lecture manual while Jez sat in front of his computer blankly and repeatedly slapped his own face. I hadn't noticed, therefore didn't stop him. He was so mad.

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