
Day Five

You know you've bought too many cream-coloured clothes when they take up more than a third of the width of your wardrobe. And that's not even including the two dresses your friend hasn't returned.

What can I say, they make me pretty.

I think that by the time I fell asleep, it was very legitimately morning.

I'm drooling all over my pillow when my phone starts to vibrate. I ignore it. Probably a SMS.

It keeps vibrating. I squint at the screen. Jez is calling me.

We talk. It's 8:00 am. He declares he wants to sleep some more. I can't agree more because I've probably slept for no more than fifteen minutes before he woke me up.

"Can I call you when I wake up?" I ask.

But I don't, because I keep sleeping. And my phone starts to vibrate again.

We talk again. We hint at each other that we want to see each other in person. Jez hints that he wants more than just to see. But neither of us are brave enough to make a decision.

He's sick again. I'm tired of telling him that he should recover completely before going to the gym. He's tired of hearing it. So he's going to the gym today.

I'm fighting every urge to take care of him. He didn't have dinner last night. I want to bring him lunch, I want to hug him, wrap my arms around him when he sleeps, make him hot chocolate. But I'm afraid, because our relationship is too delicate. We'll hug. He'll try to kiss me, expecting me to be responsible for stopping him. I won't be able to. So we'll kiss, we'll lie in bed and talk until he starts to edge his hands under my clothes. He'll think I'm responsible for stopping him. I won't.

And afterwards we'll play X-Men. And order self-designed pizza.

Someone stop me, please? I think I'm walking out of the house.

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