
Day Three

Amidst all this doom and gloom is the dim acknowledgement that my 21st birthday is slowly creeping up.

I try to push it out of my mind. My birthday is just less than a month away. I don't know how long it's going to be before I speak to Jez again but somehow I doubt it will be soon enough for him to wish me a happy birthday.

Jez's birthday is six days after mine. We made plans, changed plans, made them again, and gave them up. In the end he said he'd like to be with his family on his birthday. I was already starting to pout when he laughed and told me that "family" included me.

And now, we're trying not to speak to each other. It's so hard for us to be friends without succumbing to something more.

Somewhere up there, a greater being must be sitting on a cloud with a bowl of popcorn, laughing at the way two people try to untangle themselves from each other's lives.

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