
Day Thirty-one

I didn't really want to work today, but you know, sick people need me.

A physiotherapist wanted a box of Voltaren Rapid 25, which he has recommended to a patient with achy knees. He asked me whether the patient's medications are likely to interact with Voltaren, and handed me a piece of paper on which "Avapro, Diaformin, Lovan" was written.

Embarrassingly nothing came to mind. For extra caution I double-checked with eMIMS. Two interactions: diclofenac with irbesartan, and diclofenac with fluoxetine. Both with good documentation and high severity. Somebody has been away from uni for too long!

Prompted by eMIMS, I explained to the physiotherapist that NSAIDs may cause water retention, leading to an increase in blood pressure and are therefore contraindicated with antihypertensives. In addition, fluoxetine increases the risks of GI bleeding associated with NSAIDs.

I recommended topical diclofenac instead since the site of inflammation is the knee - deep penetration isn't required. The physiotherapist was impressed. I high-fived myself.

A few hours later I cancelled out my brainy moment by attempting to make hydrogen peroxide ear drops and spilling the liquid all over my hands, the bench, and unfortunately, the script. In my defence, the thick neck of the poison bottle was definitely not designed for pouring, and our shop was completely devoid of micropipettes.

Freda seems to be a magnet for technology troubles. The printer, for one, jams repeat forms only when she's around. I have absolutely no idea why. LOTS has crashed on her more times over the past week than it has on Mirjana in the past 9 months. This could be related to the fact that when the mouse pointer turns into a hourglass for a second too long she'd click around the screen like mad.

I feel awful for Freda for the stress she's under in filling Mirjana's efficient shoes, not to mention being constantly scolded by Harsha for mostly things out of her control. I questioned her sanity a few months ago when she decided to give up being a pharmacist in favour of cleaning shelves and sorting stock. Now I completely understand her decision. There have been too many changes in pharmacy since her time (namely the introduction of the computer) and she's not adapting. On a typical day at least 90% of the scripts are processed by me - the 10% she dispenses would arise from when I'm in the toilet.

Don't get me wrong. Freda's completely capable of getting work done, just not nearly fast enough to meet the demands of cranky suits on lunchbreaks, and not to puff my own pastry or anything but my speed is possibly the only reason John's still keeping me. Or he could still be waiting for that massage.

Jim on the other hand is now extremely pleased after personally witnessing me convince three consecutive customers into generics.

Ismat is back at work, though her dissatisfaction with her job is becoming more apparent as she plans to come with me to uni on Thursday for an information lecture on pharmacy at USyd. I called about fifty people for her, requesting information on prerequisites and admission. One of these people was Narelle Da Costa, who saved my arse at the beginning of the year by helping me pre-enrol several weeks past the due date. I wanted to thank her, but she probably wouldn't have remembered me.

Glenda is stuck in a permanently foul mood, having been unsuccessful at finding a satisfactory apartment after being instructed to move out of her current unit in three weeks. I've spent hours browsing real estate sites for her, only to come up with the same two listings time and time again because her locations were strictly restricted to Homebush. Exasperated, I shouted at her to be a little more open-minded or face sleeping under newspapers in Central park. Though in fact it wasn't her, but her policeman son who was deadset on being within 5 minutes driving distance from work, church and girlfriend. I told her to smack him.

I've tried not to be overenthusiastic about uni. Going overboard during the first week has always led to completely burning out by the second. That being said I feel somewhat inadequate with absolutely nothing to study. Reading through yesterday's introductory dispensing lectures for the second time would be pushing it. PPF lectures are full of blanks that can only be filled during class. I've already completed pre-work for next week's dispensing lab. I don't have the textbooks to study medchem.

There's only PP left. Our first topic is going to be neurology and what choice do I have than to read the neurology volume of TG. I could play Final Fantasy but that particular activity is strictly restricted to bedtime. Partly because it puts me to sleep. In a good way.

Now excuse me while I jump into the shower and thaw my toes :(

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