
Stuff from all over

It's been a long time, kids.

I have 4 or 5 unfinished drafts from the several occasions during the past week during which I tried to produce an entry. Either I gave up due to lack of engaging content or it was time for dinner/sleep/Youtube.

Now I'm wondering whether this post will be joining the rest.

Lots has happened. I was about to list them all but now that I think about it, nothing much has hapened.

Except for one thing. My grandpa is in hospital for acute pancreatitis. It's been a few days since he was admitted and he's recovering fast. Tonight he practically jumped out of his bed to join us in the visiting room. We've been in and out of the hospital since Friday and my grandma as good as never left. I was beginning to worry that she might become sick from exhaustion.

Uni is stressful, which is funny because I'm never even there.

I'm still troubled about Abhi's birthday present. Normally I wouldn't be so pressured but on the Tuesday after her birthday I told her "sorry I don't have your present yet because I haven't found anything really good". So I've indirectly promised her that her present will be something "really good". Apart from packing Surfjan Stevens in a box with a guitar and a couple hundred kilograms of deep fried camembert I can't think of what else would qualify as "really good". Realistically I could talk Monaj into jumping out of a cake naked, but I bet you three volumes of my Therapeutic Index that he has already thought of it on his own accord.

I've gone shopping for her present. Three times. Each time I returned empty-handed because on two occasions I ended up shopping for myself (and coming home empty-handed anyway) and on one occasion I got sidetracked watching Mike try on pair after pair of Aquila shoes.

I was close to buying a matching set of candy bra and penis-pouch. Must have been pretty desperate. Jez talked me out of it.

Oh, as Abhi's present, by the way. I would buy them for Jez and me but we'd probably end up eating them on the bus while playing Mario Party.

In other news, an unexpected person interrupted my intense gobbling of dumplings tonight. I was halfway through dinner when he called. This is the boyfriend of my good friend, who I no longer talk to due to some minor complications, but mainly because we can't be bothered.

Let's call them my good friend L, and my good friend's boyfriend C. L and C have been going out for a few months. Don't know exactly how many. L was initially totally smitten, but during the past few months her enthusiasm has waned. We've spoken about this many times, and I've come to the conclusion that these are two people from two very, very different planets. It was interesting listening to the same stories from a different perspective, but I side with L not just for the sake of friendship. I'd elaborate but I need to get a move on with pharmacol.

And if you're wondering why I bothered to pull out code names (or rather, code letters) to write a single paragraph, it's because I actually managed to identify and elaborate on about ten of their relationship issues before realising that I was merely troubling myself.

I'm mildly distracted because it's raining outside.

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