
Day Three

We went to see Prince Caspian last night. The movie was too long for my liking, especially when I haven't seen the first Narnia movie. Prince Caspian was somewhat pleasant to look at, so I guess $12 well spent.

It was Mylinh, Derek, Jenny, Bao, Marty, and me. More appropriately put, Mylinh and Derek, Jenny and Bao, Marty, and me. Jenny spent most of the movie sleeping under Bao's jacket, and I spent most of the movie poking Marty and asking him who Ice Queen and the lion were.

By the time we were home it was past midnight. After some brief bickering with Jez over I don't even know what to call it, over talking, I guess, I went to bed. It was cute. It was like talking to an angry little boy.

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