
13-hour day

I took one 30-min break to play TWEWY, but like I said - wasn't interested.

Otherwise, I've painstakingly combed through haematology, renal, and eye & ear of pharmacy practice. Right, so it doesn't sound like a lot, because it was time-consuming indeed.

Hopefully SUPA will be open some time on Monday because out of stupidity only befitting of me, I haven't retrieved my last two volumes of TG, and I have a sneaky sneaky suspicion they might come in handy.

I'm not sure what the hell else to bring. Tim Chen mentioned that there was no correlation between mark and kilograms of reference text brought into examination room, which makes sense, since there would barely be any time to put all of them to use.

Nevertheless what troubles me is the privilege of using "notes". Notes could mean anything. I could draw a penis on a piece of paper and bring it in as reference.

I've asked whether AMH and TG would suffice. Apparently they would, though I'm still not convinced. When I'm sitting in there surrounded by luggages filled with Encyclopedia Britannica of Every Single Drug Interaction Even Including Those With Limited Documentation I'm going to feel absolutely fucking naked.

Plan of action. Read "how to use this guide" of AMH. Borrow APF from Mike. Retrieve leftover TGs from SUPA on Monday. Cry.

I'm making a huge deal out of this because I'm anxious. I'm anxious because as if closed-book exams aren't hard enough - open books will probably mean that they'll base a question around a ridiculously useless piece of information in the corner of some obscure back-page of a volume of TG nobody would have thought of bringing and even if they did won't be able to read the abysmally small text without a microscope.

And this isn't your regular open-book exam, remember? This is open-book plus notes.

I just shivered.

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