

Fate has it that it's 8:30 pm and I'm sharing the carriage with a pair of drunken men.

They're wasted, and giddy, and I'm playing Sudoku. The next moment Mr. X throws a punch at Mr. Y and they're rolling around like a couple of enraged gorillas.

I look up from Sudoku and gawk at them. Tiny mistake. Mr. Y (or X, whatever) catches me watching and rages. He lunges at me and I rack my brains trying to remember if there ever was a time I was taught how to deal with these situations. Blank. Most fortunately, his friend-turned-rival pulls him back and they resume their brawl. I flee to the next carriage and resume my Sudoku.

I call home before my train arrives and nobody answers. Busting from the bottle of Strongbow I ninja-sculled, I ran to the pub toilets to relieve myself before going home. I'm not exactly sure why I had just divulged this piece of useless information.

My parents came home ten minutes after I did. With the sound of their arrival was the sound of meowing. Dad summoned me downstairs and showed me a little ginger kitty perched in front of our door. Apparently it had followed them for every bit of their half-hour long walk, and now apparently wants a new home.

They resumed watching the news while I went outside to play with the cat. She was small, completely ginger-coloured and very fluffy. She also had the biggest, furriest tail I've ever seen. I decided to call her Jaffa. Even though she wasn't my cat. And probably already had some stupid name like Fanta. O wait.

I walked around the frontyard and Jaffa followed. When a car drove by she would hide behind the fence. I bent down and scratched her ears. She rolled over on her back, sticking her legs in the air and letting me ruffle her tummy.

Admittedly I feel a little blue tonight. I wanted to go inside and sleep it through, but didn't want to leave Jaffa alone outside. It was cold and I couldn't figure anything out so I sat down on the front step and let it out of my system. Jaffa walked over and perched herself next to me the way cats always do, lifted her head and stared at my face. Then she meowed. She was like a little person. It was kind of creepy.

Then all of a sudden she takes off towards the bins. I stand up and squint to see what she was up to. She pawed the dirt, took a dump and buried it. And came back and sat next to me again.

After awhile my dad demanded I come back in before I catch a cold. I closed the door when Jaffa turned around to play with a bug and felt awful. She's still outside meowing. I want to keep her but there's no way. Nevertheless, my mum is also feeling some attachment to the kitty, because she decided to call the RSPCA to find out what happened to Fanta Dou.

God. I sound like a little girl.

I want my kitty. :(

1 comment:

Yoza said...

So cuuuuute ^^
I think I'm allergic to cats now =(