
Mother's Day

Mirjana gave me a friendly yet suspicious reminder last week to keep Kirribilli Pharmacy clean and tidy on Sundays. I sensed something was up. Could it be because I ate all of Renata's Shapes, bought her a new box out of guilt, then ate the new box too?

Or probably just the fact the laziness of Eugene and me is finally beginning to be reflected in the state of the pharmacy on Monday mornings.

In any case, there were two full A4 pages full of notes. How to clean the carpet if coffee spills, why we must take out the bins, instructions on bringing shelf-stock forward, vacuuming, and it goes on. I thought it was rather sneaky of them to make it look like notices for all staff, except for the fact that they decided to leave the notes in the most obvious and obstructive place in the dispensary - on a Saturday afternoon.

As a result I spent about 3 out of 4 hours doing my job, which I found distinctly unfair. Eugene was also served a pharmacist duty-roster listing all number of tasks which he completely ignored in favour of checking NRL scores or whatever the hell he was doing.

After work Jez and I watched Iron Man at Rhodes. It was awesometastic.

Today is Mother's Day. I said in another post that I've decided to take her out for dinner. It's taking both my parents out for dinner, really. Wouldn't be fair to leave dad at home just because it's Mother's Day. Well actually, that sounds pretty reasonable, but it's still better to have the whole family together.

I was deciding between George's, Sahara and Bello. I asked my parents and they didn't mind. Then we walk past Prego on Burwood St and my mum commented on the ambience of the place. Yes, Prego is the sexiest. Yes, Prego is also the most expensive. But like hell I was going to refuse my mother the restaurant she picked just because I'm cheap.

Dad ordered the mediterranean mix plate, which consisted of three gigantic skewers of chicken, lamb and beef, the most delicious side salad I've ever tasted and some sauces on the side. Mum picked the grilled chicken salad. Prego has a thing with salads. It's hard picking between what we had tonight and Umi's seasonal greens. I ordered bruchetta. It was very similar to those from George's, except the bread wasn't as hard or chewy, and they seem to be more generous with the garlic butter. Jez wouldn't have touched them as they were lightly sprinkled with ricotta.

They loved it. Possibly because dining out somewhere that isn't a Chinese restaurant is very, very rare for them. I thought the salads were beyond delicious, but the meat component was disappointingly bland. Anyway, it wasn't cheap, but it was worth it. We also received a decent-sized box of handmade chocolates for the occasion.

Not a good spending day. Apart from dinner I also bought a pair of sexy Verali heels partly for the compliment costume and partly because all my other sexy black heels have gone to a better place.

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