

I'm a vain creature. I can never have enough photos of myself. After a short hiatus from the camera I've pulled it out once again for opportunities to pose for no more special an occasion than good lighting.

After creating my new folder for team Jez and Annie I perused the older files. Unfortunately I have very few photos dated more than a year old due to computer formatting and certain people requesting certain photos be deleted etc. And oh how I had listened to them.

However, one folder that carries photos from way back during the HSC to the present is My Logitech Pictures - from the webcam!

Oh the phases. And note that I'm always posing. Posing. Posing ...

The school-attire phase. Blue-eyeliner phase 1. Eyeliner-flick phase. Black hair phase. Nicole Ritchie wannabe phase. Oh, here's the awful hair (and tan - although I'm still not quite over self-tanning, but if you were pasty and cursed with the inability to darken by natural means, you'd L'Oreal it, too).

Again, I hate the way my mother was right when she told me that most of the above were so not hot.

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