

After Jez left I cleaned the study, stuffed my lecture notes and textbooks into the bottom drawer, watched House, read old chat logs, sobbed into a tissue, made a new ringtone, cleaned up unused programs on the computer, blogged three times, four counting this one, and completely neglected our pharmacology lab report.

Please come home soon baby. Or else I'm going to fail.

I've already made plans with Jenny and Bao to med-library it over the weekend.

Anyway, while reading some of Jez's chat logs I discovered the reason for this:

"Sometimes he half-arsedly offers, then steps aside and lets me at it before I even open my mouth to argue." - Hungry, o1.26.o8

On the 28th of April, 2007, I had said to Jez over MSN: "if I had a bf who insisted on paying for everything, I'd still offer. but if he refuses twice, then I'll stop."

We have a smarty pants here.

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