
Sleepy Update

Fifth day at Jez's house. Due to some extremely unfortunate events camping is no longer possible for me, and there are still two days more to go.

It's mid-afternoon and Jez is sleeping. That boy can never sleep enough. I still remember when we'd sleep until my head eats itself, but these days I can't bring myself to oblige. Maybe it has something to do with becoming too comfortable around each other.

What we're doing isn't quite comparable to actually living together due to some gaping differences - living together does not equate to spending every waking and sleeping moment within arm's length, for example. Maybe if you knew that for the next sixty years you'll be coming home to the same person you won't cling so desperately to that one week you stay over at their house.

Furthermore, living together involves responsibilities we currently lack. But I haven't much to elaborate on such responsibilities not least because I really can't think of more than doing the laundry, but it's sort of our week off and there isn't a whole lot of errands to run.

I've worked both days of the weekend so Jez had some time alone to browse porn or play WoW or whatever the heck he does when I'm not around. But a large fraction of our time together was spent picking what we should do out of sleeping, eating, having sex or playing the DS. Not a lot of choice.

I've said before that staying in one room for an extended length of time can induce head-throbbing claustrophobia. But aside from Jez's room there isn't another place in the house in which I could make myself at home. I suppose there is a major difference between the present and when we're living on our own where I've distributed my share of crap around the house. At the moment, neither Jez's dad nor I am the type to be watching Taiwanese TV with each other. So I stay in the hottest room of the house, unfortunately in the literal sense.

Perhaps some of these negative feelings are related to the fact that I'm not supposed to be here in the first place. I'm supposed to be at camp, which thanks to plan A being booked out over the Easter break, has gone out the window. I can't say I'm looking forward to recounting to my parents a week's worth of camping activities I didn't participate in.

We went to the Easter Show yesterday afternoon. It was mainly for the rides, which sadly were as expensive as ever, and more sadly we handed over our $55 without batting an eyelash. While clinging onto my seat for dear life and involuntarily and continuously imagining my splattery death if my harness happened to come loose on the crazy spinning claw machine with Jez next to me swearing at the top of his lungs, I wondered why we pay for this kind of thing.

The sun is blazing through the window onto my arms and I don't feel like continuing. Jez is still snoozing away and looks very cute.

I just realised that he isn't wearing any pants.

His arse is really round.

1 comment:

Yoza said...

Do you have any way of recording it to a video which you can send to me? Then we can both upload it to our respective blogs. Otherwise, I'll allow you the ability to author a post :D