
Bootay Moosik!

Somehow Jez and I managed the impossible. During the holidays we spared only weekends for each other, but now that the semester has begun, we found that it was actually very possible to spend time together everyday, usually hours' worth, too.

I joined him in accounting this evening. Much as I hate to admit it, especially to Jez, the UNSW lecture theatres are absofuckinglutely awesome.

So there we sit, in one of the front rows, Jez is listening intently and scribbling incomprehensible doodles into his notepad, and I had my nose buried in pharmacology.

I stretch my neck and glance at the lecturer. He's looking at me. He points at me and tells me to answer the question on the slide that made less sense to me than a formulation of guaiphenesin and dextromethorphan. Uh oh. I look behind me at a random dude and hope he'll come to my rescue. He does. "Me?" He asks. Unfortunately nothing was going to stop the lecturer from questioning the only person in the room studying gout.

I look at the slide. He waits. I turn around and ask for help. Jez tells me the answer. I yelled out "yes and yes". Twice. It felt kind of stupid. The lecturer said "lucky guess".

Anyway, I loved it. Sitting in the same lecture as Jez, that is. It was very high-school.

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