
Frisky Much

I'm not sure why, but lately I have been craving a lot of sex.

Unfortunately timing is inopportune. I have antibiotics interfering with the efficacy of my pills, and as tomorrow will be the last active tablet, I'm fertile myrtle. D:

Speaking of sex, I've come to notice that approximately one in every four purchases is a pregnancy test. People around here must do a lot of spontaneous fucking, I remarked. Meryl said it sounded more like something she would say.

As pleasant as Mirjana can be when in the right mood, I was relieved that it was her day off. Jim works at Greenwood on Thursdays and unlike Mirjana does not summon me to the dispensary for the most petty tasks, like processing a script while she's busy with a mouthful of butter chicken.

I also find it mildly amusing that Jim addresses me as "girl". Girl, when do you start uni? We're out of $10 notes, girl.

At the end of the day I did something agonizingly stupid. Unable to budge the heavy stands near the doorway, I pushed with my whole body and crushed my left hand between the stand and the wall. The force was great enough to crush my ring. Flattened, it was cutting off the circulation to my increasingly purple ring finger. After lathering my hand with soap continuously for ten minutes to no avail, I grit my teeth and pulled at it with all my strength. I'm pretty sure I damaged my joint. :(

I thought Jez would be so mad. Maybe he is on the inside. I am. I'm furious with myself. I didn't realise how often I played with the ring until now, when I would reach for it every few minutes to find that it's no longer there.

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