

I spent a good two hours of today's shift on explosm.net. Hence above. It's not as funny for the umpteenth time but we laughed ourselves stupid initially.

Becoming tired of stick cricket shouldn't take as long as Eugene took, considering it's a "cricket game" in which you can only play the role of the batsman by pressing one of the four arrow keys and scoring depending mostly on luck. He asked whether I knew any interesting websites. I recommended askmen.com. We were disappointed that their jokes weren't even remotely funny.

It was actually sort of busy today. At one stage, a couple came in for methadone, which must be dispensed by the pharmacist. There were a few other customers in the store. I glanced at the dispensary and saw a bit of Eugene sitting behind the computer. Assuming that he was looking up information for one of the other patients, I asked the couple to wait for him to finish. Ten minutes passed and Eugene hasn't resurfaced. The husband asked me whether Eugene knew they were waiting. I didn't want to bother him when he was busy, but at the man's request I went to inform Eugene of his presence. I walked up to the computer to find Eugene sitting in front of it, arms crossed, head slumped, fast asleep.

We ordered a marinara pizza for lunch. Disliking the crusts that have minimum taste and maximum calories, I nibbled the topping off the edge and threw the remains back into the box. Are you going to eat that crust? Eugene asked. No, I replied. Then he said, can I have them?

So far the only person that has cleaned up after my pizzas is my grandmother. I was very surprised that somebody I see for four hours every week didn't mind putting something with my teeth marks all over into his mouth.

I initially decided to kill off the afternoon hours by shopping at Wynyard, The Strand, Pitt St, Myer, Market City and Burwood respectively. However, as it always happens, I found something in the first shop I stepped into. Which happened to be Kaviar. Which happens to be the store that about 95% of my recent acquisitions originated. It was a blue shirt dress. I don't own any shirt dresses or anything so blue. Now that I look at myself I'm not entirely sure I could pull it off. My mother likes it, which might not be a good sign.

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